The Impact of Prayer & Praise (Acts 16:16-34)

Acts 16:16-34
What kind of persons are Paul and Silas? We know that on this occasion from the scripture reading that they were in prison. They were in a very difficult and discouraging moment in their life. But in the midst of it, their reaction to this particular situation is truly unbelievable. I think we can see that the focus of their life even in this difficult circumstance is witnessing to the jailer and certainly encouraging the other prisoners. More so that the jailer who was surely part of those assigned to punish them, to see that this man comes to know Jesus Christ. How about us? Can you and I during our difficult time or situation in life see ourselves to be that person who is going to make an impact to others around us?
Paul and Silas response.
  • How did Paul and Silas impact the people around them? How, in the midst of their trouble see the salvation of the jailer?
1. They were focused on thinking about God by praising and worshipping Him. (v. 25; Ephesians 5:19-20)
  • During difficult and troubled situations, do you worship and sing praise to the Lord so you can get an earthquake and get out of the situation? I think this is typical of some people, but not with Paul and Silas. Either in troubling situation or when free from hardship they were constantly focused on thinking upon the Lord and praising Him. Their thoughts were fixed on the Lord which gave them peace. “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you” (Isaiah 26:3 NLT).
2. They were focused on thinking about God’s assignment for them.
  • Often we want the best conditions with regards to His assignment for our lives. We never want to assume that God will assign us to a prison type condition. But Paul and Silas had to think about God’s assignment for them amidst the condition they were in. I think they were thanking the Lord for the opportunity to sit in the jail and witness to the jailer and to be a blessing to all of the other prisoners. They concentrated on their assignment even though the conditions were not ideal. They were not concerned about what they have or don’t have.
  • We need to be asking God to help us see the opportunities to impact the people around us. That in the midst of trouble and difficult time that somehow the Lord will give you and I the capacity and strength to let all of the people that is watching and listening somehow come to figure out why there could be such peace, strength and joy in our life.
3. They were focused on thinking about God’s purpose for others. (v. 27-34)
  • They were motivated by souls, people to come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We need to think of the destiny of others. To realize God’s purpose for others, that they would know God and walk in His love.
How can you and I impact the people around us that needs to know God?
1. Know God’s Word. The Word of God is the foundation to all of our life. We need to live life by God’s ways.
2. You and I need to be a godly person. If we are to have impact on those around us then we need to be living a godly life. Be that godly person that impacts whatever it is the you do.
3. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. What God has called us to do cannot be done on our own skills, strengths and abilities. We need to constantly be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, we become reliant on methods and programs to accomplish the assignment. But it needs to be the Lord who does the work.
4. Pray. When things are not happening, no earthquake, no deliverance, no freedom, what do we do? It is for you and I to sit in the middle of the situation and worship, glorify His Name and pray. When we pray, we become patient and given the strength to persevere and contend until His purpose and assignment in our life is accomplished and the people around us is touched and witnessed to by the strength of our life that comes from being in the presence of God.