Is Prayer a Priority in our Lives? (Acts 2:41-47)

Acts 2:41-47
Is prayer a priority in our lives? I have been personally sensing the Lord impressing about a need for renewal in my heart about prayer. I have been expressing to the Lord that the one thing I want to do is to finish well. If you and I want to finish well in our walk of faith, then the best thing to do is to pray everyday. To have an earnest prayer that day by day it causes us to hunger for God.
I am honestly trying to learn about prayer for myself in a new way. Yes, I have a routine on how I pray just like most of you, but I feel the Lord dealing with me about my methods of how I have been approaching Him. Now there is nothing wrong with my discipline or organization in my prayer, I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with yours as well, but I am recognizing some things new and afresh. And it is not based on a list (nothing wrong with having a list) but rather just being together with the Lord. When you and I just come to the Lord and just call out to Him and pray, we quickly discover how empty we are and therefore the need to just be with the Lord.
Why should we learn about the value and importance of prayer, everyday seeking God’s face and heart?
Why you and I should pray?
1. We should pray because it spares us from incredible number of times of pain and grief. It spares us from a lot of trouble because God knows the roadblocks ahead and He knows the detours ahead. He knows what is ahead and we don’t.
2. We call out to God because He has a better idea than we do. One of the reason people don’t pray is we often think we know the way to go and what to do. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death (Proverbs 14:12)," but God’s ways are better (Isaiah 55:8-9).
3. Trusting God is rewarding. We will either trust ourselves or trust God.
The early church prayed.
  • The early church made prayer a priority (Acts 2:42). They devoted themselves to the Word of God, times of communion with God-the breaking of bread, to sincere fellowship with each other and to prayer. They devoted themselves to calling out to God and to pray.
  • Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer (ESV).” Constant means to be devoted, faithful, strong toward. It is my commitment about how essential prayer is. The early church didn't know what tomorrow lies for them and couldn’t figure things out so they prayed.
Jesus Prayed.
  • Jesus called out to His Heavenly Father and prayed every single day. If Jesus prayed, then how much more do you and I need to talk to our Father in Heaven and call out to Him. Jesus habitually spent time in prayer.
  • Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12, Luke 11:1, Luke 22:39-41
Two basic things about the prayer life of Jesus.
1. Jesus was balanced. The times He spent time with the Father followed prolonged times of intense public ministry. Jesus knew the need to balance times with God and times with people. It is so easy to loose this balance. Do you ever get so involved with your family, with your work, ministry, friends, things to do around the house that you rarely have time alone with God? Are you the kind of person that find yourself so involved with many things and find it difficult to find time to be with God? Jesus discovered that taking time to pray and be with the Father makes you more effective with people and closer to God. When you have received from God, then you have something to give out to people that did not come from you but from the Lord.
2. Jesus was always prepared. He always seemed to be prepared for life’s big moments and big events. He was praying before each milestone of His life.
We are called to pray.
  • How can you and I make prayer a habit in our lives?
1. You and I need to just set aside time. It is busyness that keeps us away from spending time with the Father. For whatever reason we are such busy people. There are lots of demands, but in the busyness comes the crowding out of the opportunities to be with the Lord. You give Him time and watch Him stretch the rest of your time and make you more effective.
2. You and I need to find a place. We need to find a place to be alone with our Heavenly Father.
3. You and I need to be accountable. Be in partner with someone who will help you develop your prayer life. Being accountable to someone puts a little pressure on us but it also makes it possible to be praying for the concerns of others and not just our own.
4. You and I need to come praying with expectancy. It is knowing that the Lord hears and answers. Our Heavenly Father wants to talk with you and me. It’s not just us praying and calling out to Him, but knowing that the Lord’s presence is with us. He comes to spend time and listen and speak into our lives.