I Need a Fresh Touch from God (Psalm 85)

Have you ever had moments when you come to realizing and discovering times in your life that you really need a fresh touch from God? A moment when you become aware that there are things in your life that has become weak or dying or something that has become less than what it should be. A time when God is dealing with you about something that needs to be revived, to be restored to life and refreshed. It maybe with regards to your physical health, relationships in life and your faith walk with God. No matter what it might be, how do we really know when we need a fresh touch from God?
I hope that we can be honest enough to look at our own personal lives and decide on what we need God to refresh. But more specifically be honest with where we are with our walk with God. How can you tell when you need to be revived? How can you tell when there is a need for a fresh touch from God?
1. You need a fresh touch from God when the Christian life no longer blesses you. When walking with Jesus and the Christian life is no longer a joy.
  • Psalm 85:6 “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”
  • Psalm 80:18-19 “Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. Restore us, O Lord God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.”
  • Isaiah 57:15 “This is what the high and lofty One says, he who lives forever, whose name is holy: I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.”
  • All revival begins with a fresh start in someone’s life somewhere. Whether in an individual, a family, in some location, in a church, country. It always begins where somebody really discovers a fresh passion in their heart to really realize what Jesus has done.
  • Do you remember when you first genuinely gave your life to Jesus and got saved? It is your whole life. You want to be with God all the time and just love Him, you want to sing to Him, serve Him, spend time and talk with Him all the time. And then something happens. Don’t ever lose the zeal and the joy, the passion that you found in Jesus in the beginning.
2. You need a fresh touch from God when your passion and love for Jesus no longer motivates you to serve Him.
  • The love of God is what should build a foundation in your life where you don’t want to live for anyone else but for Him. You want to be harmless and blameless in your way of life that will be honoring to God.
  • Will go to the outer most part of the world for God?
  • You and I are going to need a fresh touch from God when our passion for the lost and my burden for Jesus is less than what it was when we first met Him.
3. We need a fresh touch from God when the Holy Spirit no longer convicts us.
  • The Holy Spirit is constantly convicting us, but if we are not somehow moved by Him to action then I think there is something wrong.
4. I think we need a fresh touch from God when His presence no longer moves us.
  • Have you ever been in a service and you have really been moved and stirred? I have. But the problem is a whole lot of people get stirred but not transformed and changed.
  • Am I being moved by the presence and love of God into action?
We think that lack of freshness with God is for those outside the church, but the lack of freshness in my life and maybe in your life is something that burdens God too. He is coming back for a church that is vibrant, Holy, a church that is really seeking His face. Let us ask God to help us to really seek Him with a fresh touch and make a difference.